Странная ошибка я понятия не имею что делать


hw3 Deque.h

#include <iostream>

template <class ItemType>
struct NodeType;

template <class ItemType>
class DeQueType
    // Class constructor.
    // Because there is a default constructor, the precondition that the
    // queue has been initialized is omitted.

    // Class destructor.

    void MakeEmpty();
    // Function: Initializes the queue to an empty state.
    // Post: Queue is empty.

    bool IsEmpty() const;
    // Function: Determines whether the queue is empty.
    // Post: Function value = (queue is empty)

    bool IsFull() const;
    // Function: Determines whether the queue is full.
    // Post: Function value = (queue is full)

    void EnqFront(ItemType newItem);
    // Function: Adds newItem to the front of the queue.
    // Pre:  Queue is not full.
    // Post: newItem is at the front of the queue.

    void EnqRear(ItemType newItem);
    // Function: Adds newItem to the rear of the queue.
    // Pre:  Queue is not full.
    // Post: newItem is at the rear of the queue.

    void DeqFront(ItemType& item);
    // Function: Removes front item from the queue and returns it in item.
    // Pre:  Queue is not empty.
    // Post: Front element has been removed from the queue.
    //       item is a copy of the removed element.

    void DeqRear(ItemType& item);
    // Function: Removes rear item from the queue and returns it in item.
    // Pre:  Queue is not empty.
    // Post: Rear element has been removed from the queue.
    //       item is a copy of the removed element.

    void Print( std::ostream out );
    // Function: Prints items in the deque from front to rear.  
    // Deque is printed on a single line of output with one space between each item.
    // Pre:  Deque has been initialized.
    // Post: Deque is unchanged.

    int Length();
    // Function: Returns the number of items in the deque.  
    // Pre:  Deque has been initialized.
    // Post: Function value = number of items in the deque.
    //       Deque is unchanged.

    NodeType<ItemType>* dequeFront;
    NodeType<ItemType>* dequeRear;

#include "hw3 DeQue.cpp"

hw3 Deque.cpp

#include <cstddef>          // For NULL

template <class ItemType>
struct NodeType
    ItemType info;
    NodeType* next;

template <class ItemType>
DeQueType<ItemType>::DeQueType()    // Class constructor.
// Post:  dequeFront and dequeRear are set to NULL.
    dequeFront = NULL;
    dequeRear = NULL;

template <class ItemType>
void DeQueType<ItemType>::MakeEmpty()
// Post: DeQueue is empty; all elements have been deallocated.
    NodeType<ItemType>* tempPtr;

    while (dequeFront != NULL)
        tempPtr = dequeFront;
        dequeFront = dequeFront->next;
        delete tempPtr;
    dequeRear = NULL;

template <class ItemType>       // Class destructor.

template <class ItemType>
bool DeQueType<ItemType>::IsFull() const
// Returns true if there is no room for another ItemType on the free store;
// false otherwise.
    NodeType<ItemType>* ptr;
    ptr = new NodeType<ItemType>;
    if (ptr == NULL)
        return true;
        delete ptr;
        return false;

template <class ItemType>
bool DeQueType<ItemType>::IsEmpty() const
// Returns true if there are no elements on the DeQueue; false otherwise.
    return (dequeFront == NULL);

//template <class ItemType>
//void DeQueType<ItemType>::Enqueue(ItemType newItem)
//// Adds newItem to the rear of the DeQueue.
//// Pre:  DeQueue has been initialized and is not full.
//// Post: newItem is at rear of DeQueue.
//    NodeType<ItemType>* newNode;
//    newNode = new NodeType<ItemType>;
//    newNode->info = newItem;
//    newNode->next = NULL;
//    if (dequeRear == NULL)
//        dequeFront = newNode;
//    else
//        dequeRear->next = newNode;
//    dequeRear = newNode;

//template <class ItemType>
//void DeQueType<ItemType>::DeQueue(ItemType& item)
//// Removes front item from the DeQueue and returns it in item.
//// Pre:  DeQueue has been initialized and is not empty.
//// Post: Front element has been removed from DeQueue.
////       item is a copy of removed element.
   /* NodeType<ItemType>* tempPtr;

    tempPtr = dequeFront;
    item = dequeFront->info;
    dequeFront = dequeFront->next;
    if (dequeFront == NULL)
        dequeRear = NULL;
    delete tempPtr;*/

template <class ItemType>
 void EnqFront(ItemType newItem)
 // Function: Adds newItem to the front of the queue.
 // Pre:  Queue is not full.
 // Post: newItem is at the front of the queue.
     NodeType<ItemType>* newNode;

    newNode = new NodeType<ItemType>;
    newNode->info = newItem;
    newNode->next = NULL;
    if (dequeRear == NULL)
        dequeFront = newNode;
        dequeFront->next = newNode;
    dequeFront = newNode;

 template <class ItemType>
 void EnqRear(ItemType newItem)
 // Function: Adds newItem to the rear of the queue.
 // Pre:  Queue is not full.
 // Post: newItem is at the rear of the queue.
  NodeType<ItemType>* newNode;

    newNode = new NodeType<ItemType>;
    newNode->info = newItem;
    newNode->next = NULL;
    if (dequeRear == NULL)
        dequeFront = newNode;
        dequeRear->next = newNode;
    dequeRear = newNode;

 template <class ItemType>
 void DeqFront(ItemType& item)
// Function: Removes front item from the queue and returns it in item.
// Pre:  Queue is not empty.
// Post: Front element has been removed from the queue. 
//       item is a copy of the removed element.
      NodeType<ItemType>* tempPtr;

    tempPtr = dequeFront;
    item = dequeFront->info;
    dequeFront = dequeFront->next;
    if (dequeFront == NULL)
        dequeRear = NULL;
    delete tempPtr;

 template <class ItemType>
 void DeqRear(ItemType& item)
// Function: Removes rear item from the queue and returns it in item.
// Pre:  Queue is not empty.
// Post: Rear element has been removed from the queue. 
//       item is a copy of the removed element.
     NodeType<ItemType>* tempPtr;

    tempPtr = dequeRear;
    item = dequeRear->info;
    dequeFront = dequeRear->next;
    if (dequeRear == NULL)
        dequeRear = NULL;
    delete tempPtr;

 template <class ItemType>
 void Print( std::ostream out ) //cause of the problem
    // Function: Prints items in the deque from front to rear.  
    // Deque is printed on a single line of output with one space between each item.
    // Pre:  Deque has been initialized.
    // Post: Deque is unchanged.

    out << dequeFront->info << endl;
    while(dequeFront->next != NULL)
        out << dequeFront->next << endl;

 template <class ItemType>
 int Length()
    // Function: Returns the number of items in the deque.  
    // Pre:  Deque has been initialized.
    // Post: Function value = number of items in the deque.
    //       Deque is unchanged.
    return count;


Error 1 error C2248: 'std::basic_ios<_Elem,_Traits>::basic_ios': cannot access private member declared in class std::basic_ios<_Elem,_Traits>' c:\program files (x86)\microsoft visual studio 10.0\vc\include\ostream 604

Вы можете мне помочь?

  • 0
    Во-первых, у вас есть ваши включения в обратном направлении. Файл .cpp должен #include "hw3 Deque.h" , а не наоборот.
  • 1
    @ user1118321, это шаблон, путь он в том числе правильный
Показать ещё 2 комментария

2 ответа

template <class ItemType>
void Print( std::ostream out ) //cause of the problem

Потоки не копируются. Они не являются контейнерами; это потоки данных. Потоки не могут быть скопированы.

Возьмите поток по ссылке, вместо этого:

template <class ItemType>
void Print( std::ostream& out )

"Странная ошибка" заключается в том, что до С++ 11 единственным способом для автора класса фактически обозначить, что класс не должен быть скопирован, заключается в том, чтобы сделать его конструктор копирования (и оператор присваивания) private, вы получаете эту ошибку доступа, когда пытаетесь в любом случае.

Кстати, вам не хватает DeQueType:: во всех этих определениях, а вызов файла, который вы #include.Cpp, вводит в заблуждение. Да, вам нужны эти определения в заголовке, но обычно мы используем ".ipp" или какое-то другое расширение, чтобы устранить путаницу.


Вы не объявляли определенные методы как члены DeQueType поэтому компоновщик не сможет разрешить эти символы для следующего:

  • EnqFront
  • EnqRear
  • DeqFront
  • DeqRear
  • Print
  • Length

Эти методы не смогут получить доступ к приватным методам DeQueType а в случае с EnqFront он не будет знать, что делать или к какой ссылке:

Чтобы исправить, добавьте следующие определения:


BTW: комментарии Doxygen идут выше строки шаблона следующим образом:

 /** @brief Adds newItem to the front of the queue.
  * Pre:  Queue is not full.
  * Post: newItem is at the front of the queue.
template <class ItemType>
 void DeQueType<ItemType>::EnqFront(ItemType newItem)
    // DEfinition

Вы также должны прислушаться к советам @rici о том, что может произойти с методом печати

Вот методы с включением области

 template <class ItemType>
 void DeQueType<ItemType>::EnqRear(ItemType newItem)
 // Function: Adds newItem to the rear of the queue.
 // Pre:  Queue is not full.
 // Post: newItem is at the rear of the queue.
  NodeType<ItemType>* newNode;

    newNode = new NodeType<ItemType>;
    newNode->info = newItem;
    newNode->next = NULL;
    if (dequeRear == NULL)
        dequeFront = newNode;
        dequeRear->next = newNode;
    dequeRear = newNode;

 template <class ItemType>
 void DeQueType<ItemType>::DeqFront(ItemType& item)
// Function: Removes front item from the queue and returns it in item.
// Pre:  Queue is not empty.
// Post: Front element has been removed from the queue. 
//       item is a copy of the removed element.
      NodeType<ItemType>* tempPtr;

    tempPtr = dequeFront;
    item = dequeFront->info;
    dequeFront = dequeFront->next;
    if (dequeFront == NULL)
        dequeRear = NULL;
    delete tempPtr;

 template <class ItemType>
 void DeQueType<ItemType>::DeqRear(ItemType& item)
// Function: Removes rear item from the queue and returns it in item.
// Pre:  Queue is not empty.
// Post: Rear element has been removed from the queue. 
//       item is a copy of the removed element.
     NodeType<ItemType>* tempPtr;

    tempPtr = dequeRear;
    item = dequeRear->info;
    dequeFront = dequeRear->next;
    if (dequeRear == NULL)
        dequeRear = NULL;
    delete tempPtr;

 template <class ItemType>
 void DeQueType<ItemType>::Print( std::ostream &out ) //cause of the problem
    // Function: Prints items in the deque from front to rear.  
    // Deque is printed on a single line of output with one space between each item.
    // Pre:  Deque has been initialized.
    // Post: Deque is unchanged.

    out << dequeFront->info << endl;
    while(dequeFront->next != NULL)
        out << dequeFront->next << endl;

 template <class ItemType>
 int DeQueType<ItemType>::Length()
    // Function: Returns the number of items in the deque.  
    // Pre:  Deque has been initialized.
    // Post: Function value = number of items in the deque.
    //       Deque is unchanged.
    return count;

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