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<div class="venue-description">
                    Nandi Hills are currently undergoing a multi-crore development, including a one crore renovation of the Tipu Fort, via private-public partnership to transform the hills into a tourist hub. The Department of Horticulture is setting up a food court modeled after one in Singapore at a cost of nearly one crore at the hill station.Various varieties of vegetarian and continental food, beverages, bakery products, ice-creams and fresh fruit juices will be available.
<a href="" class="more">view more</a>   

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                    Nandi Hills are currently undergoing a multi-crore development, including a one crore renovation of the Tipu Fort, via private-public partnership to transform the hills into a tourist hub. The Department of Horticulture is setting up a food court modeled after one in Singapore at a cost of nearly one crore at the hill station.Various varieties of vegetarian and continental food, beverages, bakery products, ice-creams and fresh fruit juices will be available.
  • 1
    Элемент <br/> в этом месте был бы несементическим. Мы должны сделать все возможное, чтобы сохранить HTML чистым и семантическим, и работать с макетом только из CSS.

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